东方日升与EBRD银行达成融资合作 成在哈萨克斯坦建光伏电站的中资企业
东方日升与EBRD银行达成融资合作 成在哈萨克斯坦建光伏电站的中资企业
继欧洲复兴开发银行(EBRD)与东方日升在2018年2月中旬签订哈萨克斯坦40兆瓦光伏项目贷款委任书 (Mandate Letter)后,近日,在约旦举行的EBRD第27届理事会年会中,双方又签署了哈萨克斯坦63兆瓦光伏项目贷款委任书,并且确认了40兆瓦贷款说明书 (Term Sheet)。至此,EBRD也正式成为东方日升在哈萨克斯坦63兆瓦项目的首席融资行。同时,伴随上述2个项目贷款协议的达成,东方日升也将成为家在哈萨克斯坦建造太阳能电站的中国光伏企业。
按照此次签署的协议规定,EBRD将向东方日升提供满足项目建设所需资金,以期促成哈萨克斯坦63MW光伏电站项目的顺利投产。据项目规划,该电站将于今年9月初动工,到明年6月份有望实现竣工。投运发电后,项目年均发电量可达到108719 兆瓦时。
EBRD俄罗斯、高加索地区及中亚地区能源总监Aida Sitdikova女士表示:“截至今年,EBRD已在全球投资了5000多个项目,投资额多达1150亿欧元。EBRD是中国“一带一路”倡议的天然合作伙伴,而东方日升是EBRD在中亚地区合作的家中国光伏企业,这是因为双方有着共同的目标及可合作的领域。通过此次合作,我们也期望能进一步加强中国优质企业与全球各国在新能源领域的深入合作,共谋可持续发展之路。”
Risen Energy signs mandate letter with EBRD for financing its 63MW solar project in Kazakhstan
Risen Energy becomes the first Chinese company to build solar power plants in Kazakhstan
Recently, Risen Energy signed a mandate letter with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for financing construction a 63MW solar project in Kazakhstan during the 27th annual meeting of EBRD held in Jordan.
Construction of the greenfield 63MW solar project will start in September and is scheduled to be completed in June 2019, with an average annual power capacity projected to reach 108,719 MWh after being put into operation.
Earlier this year, EBRD and Risen Energy signed another mandate letter for financing of Risen Energy's 40MW solar project, also in Kazakhstan. Cooperation with EBRD will support Risen Energy in entering Kazakh solar market and becoming the first Chinese PV firm to build solar power stations in the country.
"The partnership with EBRD opens a new chapter for Risen Energy's international project financing plan as it represents both a qualitative leap for and a significant step in the company's international expansion strategy. Ties with international multilateral organizations such as EBRD provide the company with a valuable opportunity to enhance its competence in and strategy for the development, financing and technology services of international projects," said Zhang Jieling, director of project finance and investment at Risen Energy.