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转战新兴市场 东方日升加速全球化战略布局


转战新兴市场 东方日升加速全球化战略布局




除美国市场政策环境发生较大转变以外,全球光伏市场需求也有所变化。市场分析数据显示,2017-2020 年全球市场会出现分化,以美国、日本等传统光伏国家市场将有所放缓,中国市场平稳高位增长。与此同时,以印度、越南、印尼等新兴市场正在快速成长。中长期来看,平价上网后内生性需求将接力政策性支持的市场,光伏建设热情不减。因而,在中美贸易硝烟弥漫之际,中国光伏企业已前瞻性战略部署全球市场,并将目光投向新兴市场,探寻新的生机。






此外,全球的户用储能市场澳大利亚也是东方日升加速全球化步伐的重要一站。今年5月,东方日升全资收购100%使用权的澳洲121MW Yarranlea光伏发电站已正式进入施工阶段。该公司将为项目提供涵盖工程设计、建设施工、组件交付乃至电站运维等在内的一站式服务。按照预估,项目最快可于明年3月底竣工。届时,电站所发电力将纳入澳洲国家电力市场(NEM),并最终应用于图文巴和达令山丘地区,预计项目年均发电量可达264GWh。






Risen Energy moves focus of new business development from mature to emerging markets


Risen Energy Co., Ltd. recently signed a financing agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for a 40MW photovoltaic power station project in Kazakhstan. Under the agreement, the financing program will provide three loans: US$22 million converted at Kazakhstan local exchange rate, US$5.8 million from the Clean Energy Technology Fund and US$4.2 million from the Green Climate Fund.

Risen Energy is a leading China-based PV solutions provider that trades as an A-share on China's Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The firm has developed and delivered thousands of projects worldwide, with many of them widely distributed throughout the countries and regions targeted by the Chinese government's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, among them, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cambodia, the Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Nepal, Romania and Ukraine.

In April of this year, Risen Energy was named general contractor under an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract whereby the company commenced the build-out of a 25MW solar PV power station in Nuwakot, Nepal. Upon completion, the facility is expected to become the first large-scale ground-mounted PV station in the country. In addition to being responsible for the design, procurement, construction, commissioning and other engineering services of the station, Risen Energy will contribute high-efficiency 275W solar modules, known for their reliability and cost-effectiveness, to the project. The facility is scheduled to be put into operation by the end of this year, at which point it will be connected to the state grid and provide clean electricity to Kathmandu Valley during the daytime.

In addition, Australia, the world's largest household energy storage market, is also an important marketplace for speeding up Risen Energy's globalization efforts. Construction of the 121MW Yarranlea photovoltaic power station, which was wholly acquired by Risen Energy in May 2018, has begun. The company will provide a comprehensive "one-stop shop" suite of services for the project, including engineering design, construction, module delivery, operations and maintenance. Barring any unforeseen delays, the project is expected to be completed at the end of March, 2019. At that time, the power generated by the plant will be incorporated into Australia's national electricity market (NEM) and made available to the city of Toowoomba and the neighboring Darling Downs region in southern Queensland. The project is expected to have an annual capacity of 264 GWh.

Alongside the expansion roadmap into overseas markets, Risen Energy also rolled out what it has internally dubbed the "Two New" strategy, which calls for a continued focus on development in the new energy and new material fields, and the build out of a business portfolio encompassing battery modules, energy storage and new materials. In the new energy area, the focus will be on reaching grid parity in all markets where the company has an interest, with the twin goals of delivering power to clients at a cost at par with or even below the going rate for electricity from conventional sources and of promoting the sustainable development of the new energy sector. In terms of technology, Risen Energy plans to put its efforts into raising the efficiency and reliability of its products while lowering costs, in an effort to improve the performance of its battery modules, optimize the structure of its battery components, enhance product quality and eliminate outdated capacity.





