“我们很荣幸此次为合作伙伴江山永泰提供高效组件,同时我们也相信凭借高质量高效率的产品及稳健的财务状况,我们今后将会得到更多的支持。” 东方日升的总裁王洪表示,“2015年的下半年刚开始,东方日升便交出了一份的业绩答卷。该协议的签署,进一步提升了公司光伏产品在国内的市场份额、整体盈利能力和综合实力;同时在整合公司优势资源,完善产业布局,提高公司效率效益,实现企业快速发展上起到了重要作用。这无疑是公司全员投入二次创业的重要成果体现。”
Risen Energy Signed a Module Sale Contract with KongSun Yongtai
Risen Energy Co., Ltd and KongSun Yongtai Investment Holding Ltd has signed a module sale contract lately. Risen Energy will supply solar modules to KongSun Yongtai and the total amount is 1.138 billion RMB.
260W, 265W, 270W, 3 different types of poly modules are included in the contract. With this modules supply contract will bring a positive impact on the business performance.
“Risen Energy’s one of greatest achievements for the 2nd half of 2015 has been announced at the beginning of July.” Said by Mr. Wang Hong (a.k.a. Frank), the president of Risen Energy,”The contract will increase Risen Energy’s market share and be good for the company brand image, profitability and comprehensive strength. Moreover, it is a good performance of Company New Undertaking and has an indelible impact on integrating advantage resources, improving the industrial layout, enhancing efficiency and benefit, and achieving the rapid development.”