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再下一城:11MW,东方日升与Chemtech Solar签订新合同


再下一城:11MW,东方日升与Chemtech Solar签订新合同

近日,东方日升宣布,与Chemtech Solar(Italy) Alliance(以下简称Chemtech Solar)签订了一项11MW的太阳能组件供货合同。根据合同,东方日升将成为 Chemtech Solar 在西非塞内加尔共和国光伏项目的高品质供货商。

东方日升与 Chemtech Solar 的战略合作伙伴关系始于意大利,至今已持续8年。在成为合作伙伴的这些年间,双方共同努力,成就了多个光伏项目。西非塞内加尔共和国22MW高性能光伏组件合同,即是东方日升与 Chemtech Solar 的合作。该22MW组件将分成相等的两部分,部分11MW 即是前文中所提及部分;第二部分的预计交货期为第三季度初期。此次合作,将进一步加强双方的业务合作成果。

Chemtech的合伙人Piergiorgio Balicco指出:“这些年来,东方日升一直在帮助我们增加利润。为什么要改变这样一件好事呢?在过去的这些年里,东方日升用他们的努力、诚信、优质的产品及服务支持我们可持续发展的业务。正因为他们的准时交货,让我们可以实现任何想完成的项目。”

Chemtech是一家成功的IPP与EPC公司,在光伏开发领域拥有良好的口碑,它的成功与合伙人Junshu Zeng女士密不可分:“我们与东方日升的合作历史由来已久。准确地说,诸多项目的成功都应归功于我们的联盟伙伴 -- 东方日升。此次供货合作,将是我们跟东方日升合作更远大计划的一部分:自非洲开始,进而扩展到世界各地。我们拥有共同的目标及透明的分享,这是双方合作成功的来源,通过对真正商业杠杆的理解,为我们的客户和终端使用者提供实实在在的优势。”

东方日升营销中心总裁Chaudary先生也指出:“东方日升的诚信,主要体现在两个方面:获得信任与保持信誉。另一方面Chemtech 对卓越品质坚持不懈的追求,让我们知道,在任何时候,他们的高标准都是无法妥协,为了达到他们更好的要求,我们很高兴可以为 Chemtech Solar 持续的业务扩展尽一份力;我们也坚信,双方的合作将会持续,并将成为业内坚实可靠的力量。”

东方日升与 Chemtech 打造的合作联盟将进一步满足顾客的需求。随着双方合作深入,他们将为客户提供超乎预期的绝佳收益。


Risen & Chemtech Solar (Italy) Alliance Pushes Deeper into Africa 

Risen Energy Co., Ltd, a Tier 1 manufacturer of high-performance solar photovoltaic products, today confirmed the initial dispatch of 11MW to Chemtech Solar as a part of their recent 22MW order for The Republic of Senegal, West Africa.

Risen has had the fortune of a strategic partnership with Chemtech Solar in Italy for more than 8 years, with multiple projects being realised during this time frame. The most recent order, for 22MW of Risen’s high performance solar PV modules, has deliveries split into two equal parts, the first as noted here, and the second delivery due in early Q3, sees both Companies further strengthening their geographical reach.

Many words are written about partnerships, but actions speak much louder, as Mr. Piergiorgio Balicco, Managing Partner of Chemtech posited, “Risen keeps helping us to add to our bottom line. Why change a good thing? Over the years we keep returning to Risen as they support our vision with core parameters required for sustainable growth, with their competitive honest deliverables in our portfolio, we can achieve on any continent.”

Chemtech, as a successful IPP and EPC Company, is well positioned to evaluate the solar PV supply chain, and not least resultant from Ms. Junshu Zeng’s participation, also a Managing Partner of Chemtech; “Our history with Risen is well documented, and it is fair to say we owe much of our success to our alliance with Risen. This more recent supply is part of a bigger program that we, together with Risen, have underway within Africa, and indeed other parts of the world. These successes result from our transparent sharing of common goals, and an understanding of the real business levers to pull to make tangible benefits to our companies, and our customers and end users.”

As Mr. Bypina Veerraju Chaudary, CSMO of Risen Energy was keen to point out, “Credibility, it’s about earning and keeping credibility. Chemtech's pursuit of excellence has been unswerving in all of the time we have known them, with no compromises, and a consistent strategic approach to delivering their vision. We are delighted to participate in Chemtech Solar’s continued expansion and trust we can continue together to be a credible force within the industry.”

The Risen-Chemtech alliance continues to satisfy both partners and their customers. For an investment of time and understanding, each has reaped the benefits of truly comprehending and surpassing their customer’s expectations. This truly is a “watch this space” event in progress.   


About Risen

Risen Energy is a leading, global, Tier 1, “AAA” credit rated manufacturer of high-performance solar photovoltaic products and provider of total business solutions for power generation. The Company, founded in 2002 and publicly listed in 2010, compels value generation for its chosen global customers. Techno-commercial innovation, underpinned by consummate quality and support, encircle Risen total Solar PV business solutions which are among the most powerful and cost effective in the industry. With local market presence, and strong financial bankability status, we are committed, and able, to building strategic, mutually beneficial collaborations with our partners, as together we capitalise on the rising value of green energy.


About Chemtech Solar

Chemtech Solar is the special branch of Chemtech Group, based in Bergamo Italy. Established in 1994, Chemtech operates as an IPP, EPC and investment group internationally, with major penetration into the emergent African solar market, as well as a solid foothold within Europe.




