中国宁波, 2016年5月20日,东方日升(300118)是一家全球领先的太阳能组件制造商,不仅为顾客提供一线高性能的太阳能光伏产品,同时也解决发电功率的技术问题。
2015年12月,东方日升向甘肃会宁梁堡小学内的童趣园捐赠了套3kw的屋顶离网系统。该系统自去年底建成以来,不仅解决了童趣园本身的日常用电,同样解决了童趣园所在的会宁梁堡小学的日常照明和供电。 该小学的张校长表示:“我们的小学一共有50多名学生,童趣园是小学的学前配套幼儿园,自从安装了光伏系统之后,系统的电力输出基本可以解决小学连同幼儿园50%-60%的供电需要,也为校方节省了一半以上的用电费用。能够把来自大自然的太阳光转化为日常的供电,次感觉到之前听上去遥远的新能源科技离我们的生活那么近。”
Shiny 盛
yi.sheng@re-debut.com或contact@re-debut.com Mobile:+86 13801730585
Risen Energy Co., Ltd. contributes to better life for children
Risen Energy, one of the world’s leading solar photovoltaic power and systems providers, was named as the charitable provider of a 3kw off-grid electrical supply station for the BWSF S&H Kindergarten in Gansu province China. Upon further exploration, Risen confirmed their involvement for this facility and a further 3 stations for other recipients in the same Western area.
It transpires that the solar power supply system was installed within the kindergarten with the excess power generated being used to support the daily energy requirements of the adjoining Huining Liangbao primary school as well.
The headmaster of the school was jubilant; “There are more than 50 students in our school. Since the kindergarten has installed the PV system, the additional electricity has solved 50-60% demand of electric power that is saving more than half of our electricity bill. The wonderful technology converting sunlight transforms into daily power and has changed our life. It was the first time I felt the new energy science and technology close to us”.
To demonstrate their commitment further, Risen also offered a full support warranty service to ensure that the end users can have continuous benefit for many years to come. Mr. Wang Hong, President of Risen noted, “Many corporate donations are a one-time benefit, and if problems arise, the recipient is left to resolve the issues themselves. This is different in that we are focused on the end result for as long as possible with BWSF, and wish to positively affect as many lives as possible, making a difference to their ultimate standard of living. We don’t take this lightly, with a year of planning and then implementation, we have looked not only to the residents of the kindergarten but to the surrounding “stay at home” children as well. The kindergarten project in itself has been expanded to provide bedtime stories for children in or out of kindergarten and we are actively seeking a library of stories that can be shared by all. Such is our wish to integrate the corporate ability into everyday life that we will be in search of suitable tales in our upcoming business exhibition at SNEC, in Shanghai. By using our reach to other sources we are sure we can deliver a diverse and interesting collection of stories for families to use.”
For more information about Risen Energy and the SNEC event, please follow on Risen’s official wechat account: Risenenergy
If you are interested to contribute further to the Kindergarten Project, please contact with Shiny Sheng:yi.sheng@re-debut.com or contact@re-debut.com
Mobile:+86 13801730585