延续关爱 东方日升向山东青州童趣园捐赠3kW光伏系统
延续关爱 东方日升向山东青州童趣园捐赠3kW光伏系统
除了打造融合光伏发电系统的童趣园项目以外,东方日升还精心策划了充满温馨的“Same Love”睡前故事会。“在活动现场,一则则由爱心人士录制的睡前故事令孩子们听得津津有味,让睡前听父母讲故事不再是一种奢望,也让他们的内心不再孤单。”
Risen Energy Continues To Donate Solar PV Systems to BWSF S&H Kindergarten in Shandong
Recently, Risen installed a third 3KW solar photovoltaic energy generating system in Qingzhou, Shandong, which was donated to the BWSF S&H Kindergarten, a local institution providing a secure play and study area for the children in the locale.
The BWSF S&H Kindergarten project aims to promote the childhood education in the village. Risen Energy became involved in this virtuous project during 2015 with an initial solar PV installation and will continue to support the kindergarten into the future.
The 3KW system satisfies in the order of 50%-60% of the electricity requirement of the BWSF S&H Kindergarten depending upon the time of the year. This “Free Energy”, can drastically reduce their utility payments, whilst at the same time, help children to learn about the importance of renewable energy.
As a christening of their new power plant, the children enjoyed a story telling party, with local persons warmly enjoying their company and basking in the knowledge that together they were experiencing the future side by side.