东方日升再获澳洲Positive Quality™权威认证
东方日升再获澳洲Positive Quality™权威认证
近日,东方日升宣布,凭借持续的技术研发与卓越的组件品质,公司再次荣获由澳大利亚太阳能委员会(Australian Solar Council)颁发的Positive Quality Program™认证,以出色的表现获得这一国际权威机构的高度认可。
Positive Quality是澳洲光伏市场最为严苛的产品检测标准之一,对即将运输到澳大利亚市场的太阳能组件进行全方位的检测。该测试会对产品进行随机抽选,并通过先进的实验设备模拟组件在各类真实环境下的表现,其测试内容包括组件外观、EL图像、IV测试、湿漏电流测试、外包装等多项指标。同时,为确保光伏产品的长期可靠性,该项认证会每隔一个季度举行一次检测。而在今年的测试中,东方日升的高效组件以卓越的产品品质再次通过该项认证。
根据Positive Quality此次公布的评估报告,东方日升的组件制造工厂拥有先进的质量控制系统,并设定了详细的QC标准,通过定期做好QC记录、故障项目报告和改进计划等一系列步骤保证产品的如一品质。这为东方日升生产出符合IEC的高质量产品及其内部的质量标准提供了强大的支撑。
东方日升表示:“非常高兴能再次荣获澳洲Positive Quality™认证,这是对我们在高效组件技术研发与生产流程持续优化等各个方面所付出努力的肯定。目前,东方日升已凭借创新高效的光伏发电产品以及在下游电站领域的深化布局,成长为全球领先的光伏发电解决方案供应商,并成功入围2016全球新能源企业500强。未来,我们会继续依托强大的技术研发实力与坚实的项目开发能力,致力于为全球客户提供高效可靠的光伏产品与服务,促进度电成本的早日下滑。”
Risen Energy Reaffirms Australian Positive Quality
Risen Energy has once again passed the rigorous production examination undertaken by the Australian Solar Council, with the subsequent approval within the Positive Quality Program™.
Positive Quality™ is a comprehensive due diligence program undertaken on PV panels at the point of manufacture before they are dispatched to the Australian market. For Australian consumers it is equivalent of the 'Heart Tick' for the solar industry, a simple but comprehensive way to see manufacturer's quality claims have been independently checked and verified. This diligent evaluation is revisited every quarter to ensure PV product reliability. Within the latest evaluation Risen Energy continues to demonstrate effective quality assurance systems throughout their processes, deploying detailed QC standards, leading to reliable high performance solar PV modules with quality built in.
A Risen Energy spokesperson confirmed, “Being part of the Australian Positive Quality Program is important for Risen’s customers as we seek to make it easier for our potential patrons to choose from the myriad of options available to them. With our local team, capable of supporting the unique direct requirements we can offer not only world class products, but assistance for clientele to realise the full value of solar in use.”